Els 10 articles més consultats

Gener és temps de balanços, de mirar enrere per poder tirar endavant. Fent memòria es repassen les consultes, les visites presencials i les dades d'ús de les diferents eines en línia. Analitzem el nombre de visitants al catàleg de la biblioteca i el seu comportament, procedència, etc. Veiem com canvien les dades mes a mes i com creixen els seguidors dels sumaris de les revistes, per exemple. En aquest cas ens serveix per conèixer si una revista desperta prou interès per continuar subscrits.

Aprofitant que hem estat consultant estadístiques no us vull avorrir amb números i he pensat que podia ser interessant donar a conèixer quins són els articles de la revista Drassana que més es consulten a través del repositori RACO. Primer veureu un rànquing del 2017 i després us donarem dades de 2009 a 2018.

 Els 10 articles més consultats l'any 2017
L'Escala, el Sardinal i "Mata'l, que és de Roses!". Un exemple dels conflictes de pesca existents a l'Edat Moderna (segles XVI-XVIII)
Marcel Pujol Hamelink
La historia marítima de los tiempos modernos. Una historia total del mar y sus orillas
Carlos Martínez Shaw
Vidas y destinos. Los marinos republicanos del Gulag
Luiza Iordache Cârstea
La Tragedia del Mar Cantábrico y otros apresamientos navales en la Guerra Civil
Xosé Manuel Suárez
La Terminologia de construcció naval i el seu orígen : mediterrani / atlàntic
Marcel Pujol Hamelink
Estudios de público, evaluación de exposiciones y programas y diseño de áreas expositivas en el Museu Marítim
Mikel Asensio, Elena Pol, Marina Gomis
El Museo Do Mar do Galicia. Un encuentro con la cultura marítima gallega
Pablo Carreras
El Museu de l'Anxova i de la Sal de l'Escala : un nou museu del patrimoni marítim pesquer a Catalunya
Lurdes Boix i Llonch
Els Caros d'art : el "Papet"
Elvira Mata Enrich, Olga López Miguel
Quiñones y jornales pesqueros en Galicia: la singular empresa de Porto do Son, 1788-1789
José Manuel Vázquez Lijó

I quins han estat els 3 articles més consultats al llarg d'aquests 10 anys que la revista és a internet? Doncs tots estan entre els sis més consultats aquest any passat:

1.- Vidas y destinos. Los marinos republicanos del Gulag 3064 consultes
2.- Estudios de público, evaluación de exposiciones y programas y diseño de áreas expositivas en el Museu Marítim 2832 consultes
3.- La Terminologia de construcció naval i el seu orígen : mediterrani / atlàntic 1870 consultes

Que siguin els més consultats no és casualitat, us convidem a llegir-los i també que navegueu entre els altres sumaris. Ja se sap que es fan descobertes impensables clicant a l'atzar.

7 comentaris :

regalosconpersonalizado.blogspot.com ha dit...

Os dejo un link de productos de regalo personalizados con tu foto/logo para cualquier clase de evento como artículos de publicidad(llaveros,pins,bolis,imanes...) productos religiosos - cofrades( medallas, cordones, rosarios,...) o regalos para tus invitados (bodas, comuniones, bautizos..) Disculpe molestias.

Diane Heather ha dit...

Hello everyone i want you all to help me in thanking herbal doctor Razor whom the LORD used in liberating me from HERPES virus I have been battling with for 3 years,i have spent so much money in getting the required medical treatment to make sure the disease gets out of my body but the medical drugs never really do cure it, it was during this process i came across some testimonies regarding how a certain herbal doctor Razor cured them of their different infection,HIV/AIDS ,HEPATITIS A B C D E,HERPES, CANCER and some other deadly infection,i was amazed that i have to contact him with the details provided by this testifiers which are his his clinic email address drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com , mobile cell phone number +2349065420442,when i finally contacted him,he asked me some question and promised to guide me through and he really did,on the 5th day after i have spoke with him i received a parcel from the ups and the doctor was the one who sent me the herbal mixture cure for my herpes infection and he told me to take it for 18 days which i did and 7 days into it i started having some changes in my health and eventually on the 18 days he told me to go for a medical checkup which i did and the medical doctor told me that my status was miraculously negative.i want to use this medium to refer anyone with similar problem to contact him and be liberated today.email him on drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com Whatsapp or call him on +2349065420442

Diane Heather ha dit...

Hello everyone i want you all to help me in thanking herbal doctor Razor whom the LORD used in liberating me from HERPES virus I have been battling with for 3 years,i have spent so much money in getting the required medical treatment to make sure the disease gets out of my body but the medical drugs never really do cure it, it was during this process i came across some testimonies regarding how a certain herbal doctor Razor cured them of their different infection,HIV/AIDS ,HEPATITIS A B C D E,HERPES, CANCER and some other deadly infection,i was amazed that i have to contact him with the details provided by this testifiers which are his his clinic email address drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com , mobile cell phone number +2349065420442,when i finally contacted him,he asked me some question and promised to guide me through and he really did,on the 5th day after i have spoke with him i received a parcel from the ups and the doctor was the one who sent me the herbal mixture cure for my herpes infection and he told me to take it for 18 days which i did and 7 days into it i started having some changes in my health and eventually on the 18 days he told me to go for a medical checkup which i did and the medical doctor told me that my status was miraculously negative.i want to use this medium to refer anyone with similar problem to contact him and be liberated today.email him on drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com Whatsapp or call him on +2349065420442

Diane Heather ha dit...

Hello everyone i want you all to help me in thanking herbal doctor Razor whom the LORD used in liberating me from HERPES virus I have been battling with for 3 years,i have spent so much money in getting the required medical treatment to make sure the disease gets out of my body but the medical drugs never really do cure it, it was during this process i came across some testimonies regarding how a certain herbal doctor Razor cured them of their different infection,HIV/AIDS ,HEPATITIS A B C D E,HERPES, CANCER and some other deadly infection,i was amazed that i have to contact him with the details provided by this testifiers which are his his clinic email address drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com , mobile cell phone number +2349065420442,when i finally contacted him,he asked me some question and promised to guide me through and he really did,on the 5th day after i have spoke with him i received a parcel from the ups and the doctor was the one who sent me the herbal mixture cure for my herpes infection and he told me to take it for 18 days which i did and 7 days into it i started having some changes in my health and eventually on the 18 days he told me to go for a medical checkup which i did and the medical doctor told me that my status was miraculously negative.i want to use this medium to refer anyone with similar problem to contact him and be liberated today.email him on drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com Whatsapp or call him on +2349065420442

Sharon ha dit...

I am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-holster ( cabby crew ) for 4 years but early this year, i loose my job because of this deadly disease called Herpes virus (HSV), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctors report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HSV positive that make me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i was so depress was thinking of committing suicide, till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to Dr Razor, that was how i contacted him and get the medication from this doctor and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact this doctor if you are herpes positive or any STD diseases his email is: drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com or you can call or whatsApp his mobile number on +2349065420442

Sharon ha dit...

I am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-holster ( cabby crew ) for 4 years but early this year, i loose my job because of this deadly disease called Herpes virus (HSV), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctors report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HSV positive that make me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i was so depress was thinking of committing suicide, till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to Dr Razor, that was how i contacted him and get the medication from this doctor and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact this doctor if you are herpes positive or any STD diseases his email is: drrazorherbalhome@gmail.com or you can call or whatsApp his mobile number on +2349065420442

Stephine George ha dit...

PERFECT NATURAL HERBS AND VEGANS CURE FOR Herpes 1&2 THAT WORK FAST WITHIN 14 DAYS WITH DR ELINFOH HERBAL MEDICINE, I saw so many testimonies about Dr ELINFOH a great HERBAL DOCTOR that will help you CURE and give you the rightful health to live a joyful life, i didn't believe it at first, but as the pain got worsen and my life was at risk after using lots of ARV drugs from the hospital and no changes so i decided to give a try to Dr Elinfoh I contacted him also and told him i want a cure for Herpes , he gave me advice on what i must do and he deliver it to me in my home address i gave him and i got the medicine which i use according to his instruction, and today i must say I am so grateful to this man Dr Elinfoh for curing me from Herpes and for restoring me back to my normal health and a sound life and i am making this known to every one out there who have been trying all day to be cured from Herpes or any sickness should not waste more time just contact him with his details below, believe me this is the only way to get cured from Hepres , this is the real solution we all have been searching for. Do not waste more time contacting him today for you can also leave a sound and happy life. contact info below. Email: (drelinfohherbalhome@gmail.com ) or WhatsApp or Call him on: +2348110492072. and you can as well contact him on other issues you are having like*HEPATITIS B*DIABETICS*CANCER*ALS*HERPES*BODY REDUCTION*BREAST ENLARGEMENT*FIBROD*CANCER*PREGNANCY MISCARRIAGE*Relationship issues etc.. ** Neoplasms*Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
*Chronic Respiratory Diseases
* Mental and Behavioral Disorders
*Alzheimer’s Disease
Email: (drelinfohherbalhome@gmail.com).    
Via whatsapp +2348110492072. I pray God also blesses you with your heart's desire as you get in touch with Dr Elinfoh.